Thursday, May 31, 2012

Week #9

For the final week, we worked with the robot's code to fix an issue involving the ultrasound and the flipper. It seems that instead of the touch sensor working the flipper, the ultrasonic triggers it when something is close enough to trigger it. The root of the problem might due to the touch sensor switch being in the ultrasound switch. However, we haven't entirely fixed this issue. In the case we can't fix it before the competition we can use the problem as a defense mechanism for the robot. Another problem is that the robot may be over the limit in terms of length so sacrifices might have to be made to compete.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Final Design - Flipper, new trigger for touch sensor and ultrasound on top.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Week #8

Competition code (near completion)

 Our competition code is very much near completion, all that remains is to continue testing and looking for any errors. The code consists of two major portions both in the same loop. The top picture shows our movement code that has two light sensors in the front and back to aid the robot in staying in the boundary and an ultrasound sensor to find the opponent quicker that just wandering around the ring. The second half contains our touch sensor driven-flipper. This flipper contains waits between the lifting and lowering to not confuse the robot.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week #7

At this time, the arena wasn't set up for the competition like we had hoped. Still, it gave us time to work on the ultrasound. Originally, some thoughts occurred that maybe ultrasound wouldn't be needed due to there being no walls and that the 2 robots will already be facing each other. However, in the last few minutes of class we succeeded in  creating the code for it which will be added to the competition code.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week #6

This week we find ourselves a bit ahead of schedule. The competition code we were supposed to start is already completed. We spent time going over the code and fixing any errors and we also got in some practice against another group. However, we discovered two things wrong with our robot: it might be too lightweight and there's no way for the robot to find it's opponent. Overall it was one of those "one step forward, two steps back" kind of weeks.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week #5

Competition Code (draft)

We have gotten a lot done this week. Our code for the robot is completed. It consists of 2 switches operated in a loop. The light switch controls our robot's movement and prevents it from leaving the arena. The touch switch controls the flipper and needed some modifications to work. We needed the other motors to stop and put waits between the lifting and lowering of the flipper to avoid conflicts in the program. Also this week we competed in our first practice match and won. With most of the work done, we hope to continue practicing and perfecting the program.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week #4

Design #2 - Flipper, touch and light sensor attached to modified tribot.

 The new flipper design was definitely worth the wait. It has a large flipper that will active when the touch sensor is pressed. We managed to attach the light sensor in a way that will enable it to point to the ground without having to alter the flipper much. However, the sensor doesn't point directly down it is currently at an angle which will be a problem when calibrating it. Also we decided that it order to make the flipper more efficient, we will shorten it a little bit so it moves quicker.

Next Week goals - Fix sensor, ponder competition code.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week #3

 Our attempt to test out of robot didn't occur. We came up with a new idea on how to beat the competition. What if our robot had a lifting arm to incapacitate the other robot? However, putting such a device on our robot may require a whole new design. We'll have to wait until Tuesday to see if it can be done.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week #2

 Today we recelved the robotics kit and began brainstorming about the possible design for our sumo robot. We also split up the tasks for the design proposal due next week. The plan is to put all the finished tasks on our gmail account so it will be easy to see and keep organized.

Next week- We should have a draft design of our sumo robot and if not a general idea what it'll look like. Also have all the individual components completed for the design proposal due next week.

Group photo- (from left to right) Craig Gordon, Kevin Kinyanjui, Yanzhao Nong, Tomar Gashi, Nicholas Hays.

Our Advisor - Robert Ellenberg,, Mechanical Engineering

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One of the most fascinating things about robots is their near unlimited potential. In this case, robots can engage in sports particularly sumo wresting. The goal of this design project is to create a robot capable of pushing other robots out of the area and preventing itself from the leaving the arena on it's own. Perhaps the best way to solve these problem is to build the robot with a sturdy construction and maybe either a ram or ramp. Also the light sensor we can use should be positioned downward and programmed to tell the difference between the boundaries and the arena.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week #1

We decided to do the robot sumo project. Then we created a blog to document our weekly progress. To keep in touch with each other, we created an email address we all can use to forward info. Our first email consisting of each member's phone number so we don't have to constantly ask for them.